The Filming Begins for Xploration OuterSpace #SpaceShow

It’s filming time everybody! Over the past three months, the show’s main producer and I have worked to put together 10+ different episodes for the first season of Xploration Outer Space. We've finally lined up shoots for the next ~2 months.  Our first one will be this Friday at West Virginia University where we will film a high altitude balloon launch for an episode about Space Balloons! Take a look a these proposed episode “themes” that we believe will lend themselves to really interesting shoot locations and content for high school students:

  1. Preparing for Mars
  2. Training for Space – a day in the Life of an Astronaut
  3. Journey to the Moon
  4. Space Balloons
  5. Robots in Space
  6. Life Beyond Earth
  7. Asteroids and NEO’s
  8. A Space Vacation – Commercial Space Tourism
  9. The All Powerful Sun
  10. Rockets and Propulsion
  11. Space Experiments
  12. Why We Explore


While putting these together, we were concurrently trying to set up shoots at various locations. We’ve been speaking with representatives from NASA centers, private commercial space companies, and universities. It’s a bit difficult keeping all of the emails straight, but we’ve managed to fill up the next month and a half completely.  I’m pretty sure it will be the most I’ve ever traveled in the course of 6 weeks. Here’s a shot of everywhere I will be over the next ~40 days!

I’m pumped that our first shoot will be at my Alma Mater, West Virginia University.  It’s an environment that I feel comfortable in and it will be great to show off the awesome opportunities that the WVU Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources has for its students. This Saturday, our film crew will follow the WVU Balloon Satellite team to Jackson’s Mill where the team will launch their high altitude balloon. At a certain altitude, the balloon will pop, and we will go on a chase to retrieve the experiment.  A GoPro will be attached to the balloon’s payload which will give us some really cool shots of the launch and the curvature of the Earth.  I think it will create a great visual and be pretty awe-inspiring. 

As I go through this experience, I will be posting “behind the scenes” shots on my Instagram (@EmCalSpaceGal) if you’re into that sort of thing.  I’ll also be posting fun facts via my twitter (@EmCalSpaceGal). If you are following – please participate! Tweet out other fun facts that I’m missing or relevant content that you think would be interesting for others, especially high school students.  Just use the hashtag #SpaceShow and I’ll find it!