STEM Toys for Kids that Parents Will Love: GoldieBlox Action Figures
This is the seventh post in my series STEM Toys for Kids that Parents Will Love. You can check out the other posts by clicking on the images below.
Introducing the GolidieBlox Dolls. GoldieBlox is a company that started as a kickstarter project in 2012 and eventually landed a spot in a Super Bowl commercial in 2014. They want to “disrupt the pink aisle” for girls’ toys.
The company was started by Stanford engineer grad, Debbie Sterling. Through her kickstarter campaign, the company raised nearly $286,000. Today the company has created over 3 dozen products including a handful of dolls/action figures. I was given two of these action figures: Goldie Blox and Ruby Rails (a play on the Ruby on Rails programming language).
These toys each come with a mini construction kit and instructions for your child to build something for the doll. Goldie comes with a zip line construction kit while Ruby comes with a skydive/parachute kit. The instructions are clear, colorful and easy to follow. Once you complete the instructions the toy really transforms from a doll to an action figure.
It’s a seemingly small detail, but I love the way the dolls are dressed. They are distinctly different than other dolls out there. Goldie and Ruby are dressed for activity. They each have tennis shoes which is not typical for little girls’ dolls. They’re girly, but they still look like kids. They come with backpacks, tools, and Goldie even has a construction belt.
I like the kits that the dolls come with for two reasons. One, it can show your kid how to follow instructions and assemble something with small parts. This helps them translate a 2-D image from the instructions into 3-D product. And two, once you assemble the equipment, it opens up more possibilities for your child to play with their action figure. They can still play house and make up stories with their other dolls, but Goldie can also zip line along a shoestring line that’s provided. Ruby can use her parachute to “jump” from high places. It all just seems more exciting and active. It will likely force your kid to think of places in your house where the toys can have these adventures.
If your kid likes these dolls, there’s a few more action figures where those came from. GoldieBlox even sells full construction kits if your kid likes creating new worlds for their dolls/action figures. Check out the different toys below.